Golf Short Game Tips to Help You Reduce Your Handicap Fast

By Marla Paulsone

If you are just learning how to play golf then you must first understand the critical importance of the short game and how it can help you learn and improve at the game very quickly. Most amateurs spend way too much time hitting their long irons and driver and not nearly enough working on putting, chipping and wedge play. Here are some tips regarding the various aspects of the short game that can help you to shoot lower golf scores quickly:

Putting Tips:

Putting can really make a big difference in lowering your golf scores and making the game more enjoyable. There are many putting styles that you will see even the professional golfers using so the key is to pick one style you like and stick with it making only minor adjustments here and there to improve it. Do not get caught up constantly changing your entire putting technique just because you did not make a few easy putts the last round.

One of the biggest keys to succeeding in putting and never getting the putting yips is to realize that putting is very much a mental game. Confidence is a critical factor and you need to always believe that the putt will go in the hole every time you hit the golf ball with your putter. Do not aim for a 3 foot circle with long putts because this will only increase your margin for error. Always focus on making every putt.

What you think about before you hit each putt is the most important element to consistently good putting. It may be best to simply keep your mind quiet and just look and react to your targets trusting that your mind and body will send the ball the right distance and direction.

Chipping And Sand Shot Tips:

You should always spend some time during each practice session hitting chips and sand shots around the green. Look for the worst possible lies and hit from them because then hitting from the fairway on the course will seem easy by comparison. When hitting chip shots you want the ball to be back in the stance aligned with your right foot and you want to use an open stance where your feet point to the left of the target.

With sand shots you want the ball a little further up in your stance still using an open stance and you should aim to hit a spot a few inches behind the ball so you can use a cushion of sand to lift the ball out of the bunker. Be sure to accelerate on the downswing otherwise you risk hitting it fat.

Wedge Play Tips:

Do not underestimate the importance of good wedge play as it can setup easy birdie opportunities for you on the course. Hit many wedge shots from various distances from 40 to 135 yards. The key to developing feel is simply practice so there are no shortcuts here. You should hit at least half of your practice balls with the wedge. Remember that the full swing is simply an extension of the shorter ones so if you can hit the wedge well then you will be a much better striker with your longer clubs like the driver. Follow some of these short game tips to help you play better golf.

Marla is an author and webmaster. Visit us and discover useful golf tips and be sure to read our How to Break 80 Golf System Review to help you become a better player fast.

If you suffer with slicing the golf ball too much then read our The Dave Way Golf Book Review to help you get rid of that golf slice permanently.

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