By Brad Jeffreys
Most people have about 30 yards of distance hidden in their swing. If they were to tap into it, they could easily start driving the ball off the tee much further than they ever though possible. The secret is much simpler than most would think.
The power in a golf swing comes from two main areas. The shoulders, which most people use at least a little bit, and the core of the body. The core is defined as the legs, hips, and abdomen.
By turning your hips faster in your swing, you can actually increase your drive an average of 20-50 yards. The reasoning behind it is simple: how much power do you think you can generate from just your arms and shoulders? To get an idea, think about trying to swing a baseball bat and hit a baseball without turning your body. Use only your shoulders and arms. The ball will go a measly couple of feet. You may not even reach the pitcher's mound.
So how do you tap into this well of power that is hidden inside your body? It's simple. Swing your hips faster, but not to the point where you have an open clubface at impact.
During your downswing, try rotating your shoulders about 90 degrees and rotate your hips a little less than 45 degrees. This will force your body to make your hips point above the center of your core just above the belly button.
It will also force the hips to be the part of the body which starts the backswing, automatically producing a power packed punch of a swing. Don't forget, however, to watch out for the one thing that will make all of this useless: hip over rotation.
To find more useful tips on how to increase distance and improve accuracy, Click Here.
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